Sowing and planting
The amount of plants for sowing this month is starting to drop off, here are some of the more popular vegetables. Broad Beans, Dwarf Beans, Mung Beans, Beetroot, Spring Cabbage, Carrots (for continuation), Next years Cauliflowers, Chicory, Coriander (Cilantro), Endive, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce for continuation and winter lettuce, Pak Choi, Peas, Radicchio, Radish, Turnips
Sowing Seeds Continue successional sowings and use quick maturing varieties for autumn use - Swiss chard, lettuce, rocket, salad onions, radish, turnips, peas, French Beans (dwarf), carrots (Amsterdam forcing is a good variety for late summer sowing). Sow for winter use (yes you read that correctly - it's time to start thinking about growing things that will crop in winter) - spring cabbage, Hungry Gap kale, parsley, perpetual spinach, chicory and coriander.
Leeks – Musselborough, Blue Solaise & Giant Winter sown in April will be planted where the 1st early potatoes are now Parsnips – Student sown late April and early May in crates Cauliflower – Purple Sicily and All Year Round sown throughout summer to hopefully crop in winterGarlic – early Purple Wight, Albgensian, Ibarian & Provence Wight – Will plant in November to pick next June Broad Beans – Aquadulce will sow in pots in November. And will try and sow some direct. Plus another variety to compare, yet to be decided Purple Sprouting Broccoli – Early Purple from Real Seeds sown in April / May to crop in March(will be planted where the garlic has been growing)Brussel Sprouts – Long Island Improved and Falstaff sown in April and planted out in May
Lettuce Winter density and Lambs Lettuce – will sow August onwards for picking in autumn and winter Lettuce Sylvesta – a butterhead lettuce for sowing in late winter or early spring Endive – Pancalieri and Frenzy– will sow in August and September for a winter crop Lettuce Lobjoits Green, Pinares and Radiccho – will sow in September and October for a winter cropThe varieties of lettuce will be added to shortly courtesy of Baker Creek seeds!! They have some lovely French heirloom varieties that sound good for winter. Time will tell
Pak Choi – various, Choy Sum – Puprle Flowering, Mizuna – various and Indian Mustard – Amsoi, will sow again in August for picking in autumn to early winter Carrots – Autumn King – will be sown in July in crates Radish – Black Spanish round – sow July onwards, in cratesKale – Black Tuscany – will sow more in July Florence Fennel (bulbing) – will sow more in July for cropping until November Cabbages –Red Drumhead – will sow again in July / August Durham early – will sow in July / August (for Spring) Chinese Cabbage Wong Bok – will sow in July / August for picking through winter Wintergreen – will sow in July / August for winter / Spring Savoy (Tarvoy), sown in May for winter eating Swiss Chard Verde A Costa Bianca and Leaf Beet – sow in July and August for picking through Winter and Spring depending on severity of winter Perpetual spinach – Leaf Beet will sow in July and August for Autumn and Winter Spinach F1 Bella – will sow in July and August for Autumn and Winter
some of the things you can do from now on