Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The start of a new season 2011

Ronan's Parsnips
The Aardvark and the Parsnip
“Why aardvark? ” inquired the parsnip. The aardvark paused in his digging to consider this.“It doesn’t seem to sum you up very well”, This irritated the aardvark. “Well what’s so great about parsnip? ”The parsnip paused in its pausing to consider this, “It’s succinct. I don’t wish to cause offence. But why not have a name that describes you as a bow backed digger with a large nose…and very soft ears.” “But that doesn’t sum me up either.” The parsnip was confused and inquired of the aardvark what would in fact sum him up.“Frank, I’d like to be Frank. Frank who dreams about sunlight and warm rain. Who wonders what happened to all the other aardvarks And why ants taste salty And what it would be to be a bird or a fish and what are fish and can they fly. through sunlight and warm rain.” “I think you’re right aardvark is better” said the parsnip who doesn’t dream but if he did would probably dream about pink kangaroos and roots. Roots that just keep growingdeeper, so that they never stop that pass through the heart of all things and then reach sunlight and grow up becoming a tree, taller than the rest, that talks to other trees and not just parsnips and looks down at a parsnip and aardvark conversing and then wonders, does that parsnip dream of being a treeand can that aardvark flyand if not Has he ever tried?